Saturday, November 29, 2014

We Love Orvieto!

Please enjoy this gem of a video as Michelle and I finish up our Italian adventure! As you can see, we have not learned Italian, but we make friends anyways.

Orvieto was a breath of fresh air. In so many ways, Michelle and I could just breathe freely. This could be due to the fact that we weren't living in a damp environment anymore. It could be that our arrival coincided with us not being sick anymore. (Our whole house went through a vomiting bug this past week.) It could be that we transitioned from WWOOFer to official tourist in Orvieto. I'm going with d) all of the above. 

Michelle and I had our BEST b&b experience to date here. Our hostess gave us a map, reserved a table for us at her favorite restaurant for dinner (which was exquisite), and served the most complete breakfast we've had in Italy. Also, while we've had trouble finding these b&bs in the past, our hostess gave us perfect directions. When we shared our plans for encountering cold weather in the days to come, our hostess told us about the second-hand market that was happening in the piazza that morning. Michelle and I got winter coats for 8 euro each. Boom!

The big draw in Orvieto is its duomo. This church houses Signorelli's Last Judgment frescoes in the Chapel of St. Brizio. Really impressive. We're probably done with frescoed chapels for a while, though. On the left side of the church is the Chapel of the Corporal, which refers to the Eucharistic miracle that inspired Corpus Christi Sunday. In 1263, a priest who was doubting the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist was consecrating the host in a town close to Orvieto when Blood, originating from the bread, began running down his arm and onto the corporal on the altar. Pope Urban IV happened to be in Orvieto at the time, and the corporal was immediately taken to him for inspections. Long story short, Michelle and I saw this Blood-stained corporal and were able to have Adoration with the Blessed Sacrament in this chapel. Great day!

And then this guy!

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